Avast licensing and new SQL Server Express

Hi. As I was new to Avast, some of our av.net clients had the license.dat file copied locally [according to the manual it’s not necessary to copy the .dat locally] . I did a test and if I remove the .dat file, I’m getting an invalid license. How do I correct this.

There is also a new .DAT file. I updated the licensing through the AMS maintenance. Does this mean nothing has to be done on the clients? Even with the license.dat issue above?

Finally, SQL Server 2008 Express has been released. Is Avast compatible with it?



yes using the amstool.exe to import the license.dat will work fine. There is no need to have a seperate license on each client as he AMS handles all the licensing centrally.

ADNM actually works smoother and a little quicker using SQL 2005 Express but you obviously need to download it create a database then install adnm. or you can install it and migrate the database.



Actually I was commenting/asking about SQL Server 2008 Express and not SQL Server 2005 Express. While “2008” just came out, as I mentioned, Avast may be moved to a stronger server in the future.

Thanks for the other half.