Today I was just online using Chrome, not doing anything out of the ordinary when I got a warning of an unsafe website from Avast’s inbuilt plugin. I immediately backed out of the website, for obvious reasons. Just to be sure I was safe, I started a full system scan. At 99%, the system froze up, I got a beachball, and nothing reacted for 10 minutes before I gave up and forced shutdown. Avast gave the error number 7005, ‘Cannot connect to the antivirus engine’. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I’ve tried several more times but with the same results. It seems like a standard kernel panic. Avast seems to be fine with single folders, from all parts of my computer and of various sizes, but not a whole scan. Running Avast 2015, on Mac OSX 10.9.5. On a sidenote, just to appease my worry - this problem couldn’t be caused by malware of some sort could it?