The other day I upgraded to the version Avast 4.6.623. Now my PC wants to install new hardware called “avast Mail Scanner” and “avast Web Scanner” at startup. I see a question mark near the “new device” entry in the system, hardware display from the control panel. As I understand “avast Mail Scanner” and “avast Web Scanner” are software. A repair of Avast antivirus did not help.
Any input how to get rid of these new hardware installs?
- The latest avast version is 4.6.652 - only just released and you would normally get this automatically (depending on your settings) over the next 7 days. You can however do a manual program update.
What is your OS?
That is very strange, I have never heard of ths before and I have no entries in hardware, device management for either. Both of these are as you say are software scanners.
Which firewall do you use?
Do you use any software that controls the startup items (TeaTimer, Ad-watch, PrevX, Proccess Guard…)?
It’s strange… never saw this before :o
Thanks for the hint. I upgraded Avast manually to version 4.6.652 and was able to delete the entries in the hardware menu. At startup no new hardware was detected. Everything is fine again.
Thank you for letting us know that your problem is resolved and what you did to resolve it.
I am actually experiencing the same problem. I suppose I could uninstall Avast! and re-install it manually. I’d rather not do this however. I’m using ZoneAlarm, and Windows XP, if that’s helpful info.
If you are experiencing the same problem, which I find hard to believe.
What OS are you using (pachavaillaz didn’t say what his OS was)?
What version of avast are you using (pachavaillaz was using the 4.6.623 version)?
Why not try the same solution, if indeed your problem is identical, a manual program update and delete the entries in the hardware menu?
This is pachavaillaz.
The problem came back but only half of it. Now only the avast Mail scanner “hardware” wants to be installed at startup. Avast Mail scanner software works. I am using Thunderbird version 1.0.2 with Avast on-access scanner enabled.
Windows XP Home SP2
Avast version 4.6.652
Zone Alarm version
I did some more research and found out that if you uninstall the Mail scanner entry (which has a question mark in front) in control panel-system-hardware then do a restart (“restart” button in shut down screen) the problem stays away (no hardware install question at startup) but if you do a shut down (“turn off computer” button in the shut down screen) then at startup the system wants again to install Mail scanner hardware.
Hope anybody can make sense of it.
I finally found a work around:
instead of uninstalling the Mail scanner entry (which has a question mark in front) in control panel-system-hardware I only DISABLED it. No nagging message of the install wizard wanting to install the mail scanner “hardware” at startup.
I’m having the same problem. WIll try your suggested uninstall/restart solution. sigh I am using Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 with ZonE Alarm and Avast 4.6.652 Home…