I have Verizon one talk app on my PC to receive text messages sent to my phone number. In mail shield I found that if “Scan inbound emails (POP3, IMAP4)” is unchecked then the app works and receives messages. I haven’t found a way to unblock or add exception to this app from avast without turning the of Scan inbound emails.
A long time ago there used to be a setting to exclude processes from scanning, but I believe now it is only by editing the EmailShield.ini file.
I use this to exclude my MailWasher Pro process
It would require you to find and edit the C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\EmailShield.ini file, this can only be modified using Notepad.exe (no other text editor (I believe you have to run Notepad.exe as Admin) and first disable the avast self-defence module.
If this is something you would like to try I will give you the add/modify in the EmailShield.ini file ?
You would have to know the name of the Verizon one talk app executable that runs this function.
This problem still persists to this day!
If the Mail Shield inbound scanning is on, One Talk Chat stops working.
If I uncheck the Mail Shield / Inbound scanning, my Verizon One Talk app works properly, i.e., I can send TXTs through its interface. (They call it “Chat”, btw).
It’s been almost three years. Is there a solution? Or how about a way to add an exception?
A recurrence is somewhat different to persisting to this day in a topic that is well over three years old. Much changes in 3 years plus, so really warrants its own new topic.
Looking at your first image indicates you are using AVG, so should be using the AVG support forum.
Looking at your second image, I can’t find the part of the UI in the Image. My Avast UI settings displayed are different, whilst the underlying functionality might be the same.
It is also preferred to attach images as many won’t visit unknown content in 3rd party links.
Ok, fine.
It happens in both AVG and Avast, but here’s the example with Avast screenshots.
The setting in question is under Settings / Protection / Core Shields / Mail Shield / “Scan inbound emails (POP3, IMAP4)”.
If that setting is checked, One Talk does not work, and it pops up a red alert “Chat unavailable”.
If that setting is unchecked, One Talk works fine, “chat” is available, and the red warning goes away.
As I previously mentioned, “chat” in this context is the app’s ability to send and receive SMS messages.
I can reproduce it on multiple machines, all on Windows 10, Avast and AVG exhibit the same behavior.
I don’t know why chat (or SMS) would be using either of the POP3, IMAP4 ports. That may be where the conflict arises as the SMS aren’t using email formats. The problem being if you disable the Scan inbound emails (pop3, imap4), just to avoid this problem, then legitimate emails don’t get scanned either.
Now I don’t use any chat services (using SMS or otherwise), so I have never experienced this problem.
Some considerable time ago there used to be Exclusions and Exceptions, not just to exclude a file/program but not to monitor its actions. That has long since gone. Now there are only Exceptions, you can try adding an Exception for a file and folder (e.g. the location of the Verizon One Talk app and executable file name). I have no idea if this will work or not and I have never used the Verizon One Talk app, as I have zero knowledge of its workings. Or if as I suspect it just doesn’t scan the executable file.
No, that didn’t work either. There must be something specific about the Scan Inbound Email setting that conflicts with Verizon’s app.
I’m still guessing, on incorrect format for email ports - given your comment - “I have Verizon one talk app on my PC to receive text messages sent to my phone number.”
As I said sending anything via these email Ports if it doesn’t conform with Protocol for those Ports could cause a conflict causing it to fail.
I didn’t see anything here to give details on how it actually works - https://www.verizon.com/support/download-onetalk-windows-mac/