Avast metro app?

why avast not make metro app? i think it will be exciting ;D

Same here

Why, what would it bring that isn’t available in the full program ?

You only have to browse the forums from when avast 8 was introduced to see the number of complaints about it being a Metro clone and that is only one page.

I rather suspect that metro apps don’t have the same sort of permissions required for a full blown security applications, loading low level drivers, etc. But why build a metro app when you have the real thing.

well, i like avast UI now, i like windows and their metro app.
so, i did like to see avast in metro too…

i’ve this idea when look norton and kaspersky metro app.
well, yeah you right performance and security is top priority but some people do like some color, some new things, some interesting

at first some say dont like it, in the end they learning to like it… ;D
me too, one of that people :slight_smile: