I was looking around some reviews about AMS to write a blog post.
I found this one: http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/best-free-antivirus-app-android.htm
Avast! has experienced some minor changes lately, although the malware detection rates are perhaps its major weak point since apps such as TrustGo and Comodo do a better job. Additionally, the numerous features could stretch the system resources, particulary in the case of older devices, as they increase the RAM usage to high levels (26 MB at peak demand, 13~19 MB while idle), although you can disable some of them to save some RAM to improve the phone's efficiency. Lastly, the need of a rooted device for the Firewall and the most advanced Anti-theft options might pose a challenge for new and inexperienced users. Leaving this flaws aside, Avast! Mobile Security is still a great, fully-featured security app that needs to improve its malware detection rates to be back on top.
Positive points:
- The whole protection: Web Shield and infected URL; Message Shield and unwanted SMS; Application Shield and PUPs.
- SMS & Call Filtering: block outgoing and incoming calls (unlisted, private, a contact and single numbers) and you can add them to groups.
- USSD protection will keep your dialer safe from exploits (misuse of certain devices’ vulnerabilities by malicious links and QR codes).
- Phishing protection (not mentioned in the article
- Privacy scanning (although limited ad-apps detection due to Google impositions).
- Bandwidth usage monitor.
- Online and by SMS remote control (protect / locate / block / wipe and recover your device).
Due to avast! Backup you can have access to various backup profiles (contacts, photos, videos, music, sdcard).
Negative points:
- The detection rate.
- RAM usage due to more features.
- (Due to Android architecture, the root reserved features).
I was in favor of writing a blog post only if I “solve” the detection rate. It’s not the only review that points in this direction.
Can the developers and other users comment? How to “solve” this?
Other security suites (compared to avast!):
- TrustGo Mobile Security: detection rate 1st on AV-TEST.org. There is a button to open uninstall routine for the detected apps. But, unbelievable, it’s not compatible with Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 for instance…
- Comodo Mobile Security: offers an App Protector (requiring a password to execute/open apps), remote phone camera shot and send the photo by SMTP protocol. Best detection rate.
- Lookout Mobile Security: some features (Safe Browsing, Privacy Advisor and Remote Lock & Wipe are only available to the paid version. Very good detection rate.
- Zoner AntiVirus Free: allow sending encrypted messages, exclusive tablet-UI version.
- Sophos Security: Cloud features (although it’s not stored locally for offline scannings).
- Dr. Web Antivirus Light: small size definitions update, “SD-Card Mounting” scanning options. It lacks Anti-theft and Privacy features.
- AVG Anti-Virus: does not offer a real-time scanning (only scheduled and on-installation scannings), App Locker and App Backup are paid features, more false positives than the others, does not offer USSD protection.
- TrendMicro Mobile Security: includes a Facebook profile scanning for privacy (like avast with Secure.me now). Most features are paid.
- NQ Mobile Security: virus definitions updates are paid, cloud-based anti-malware engine as a support component for the real-time protection.
- Android Antivirus: poor detection rate.
- Antivirus Free: belongs to NQ (number 9 above), paid virus definitions, poor detection rates.