Avast Mobile Security blocks and/or deletes my own developed app

For about 5 years I develop Android mobile apps.
One of my own developed Apps is (silently?) removed by Avast Mobile security.
When AMS asked, then I regularly do a IGNORE for all my developed apps.
How can I reinstall my app on my Samsung S7? I tried via APK install
Installing via Android Studio failed as well - giving a “Installation failed with message INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113.” while I did not change anything. The app is running for about 3 years on my Android devices.

Please help - this stops development.


The issue you are describing cannot be caused by Avast Mobile Security. When malicious app is detected, it is never automatically deleted. User has to confirm uninstallation dialog every time.
The error you are getting from ADB is not related - it basically says that app cannot be installed because it uses different architecture than your device.

Feel free to use google to search for more info. For example this article can be hlepful: https://androidlad.blogspot.com/2016/10/installfailednomatchingabis-when.html