Avast not allow to show my website

Hello, i have a problem when I try to open my website (hxtp://www.rrsnatura.com) avast say’s the website is infected by DeanEdwards Embedded.

Please if you cant help me, i really apreciate that.

Best regards.


Hi PhantomSlash,

This detection is correct. For further information, see http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/www.rrsnatura.com
WARNING: Avast! may produce a warning when visiting the site. This is normal as the site produces the coding in an unharmful way so that it only writes as text.

See attachment #1 for a screenshot of the infected locations and attachment #2 for what you should remove.

Thank you very much it’s works fine.

I really apreciate yout help.

There is still a warning from sucuri for this internal path: Wordpress internal path:-/home/phslash/public_html/rrsnatura.com/wp-content/themes/picturethis/index.php


No problem. :wink:

Glad I could help.

Feel free to come back to the forums anytime! :slight_smile: