hi all this is wired i have comodo firewall 3 everything for avast is there. but i don’t get the u have been updated anymore not sure if its updating how do i tell and why would i not get this anymore?
Into the firewall settings, the following programs should be allowed to connect:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe (avast! Web Scanner)
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service)
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\avast.setup (avast! Update executable). This is a temporary file that just appears when an update (check) is about to launch, and disappears again afterwards.
If these entries are there into Comodo settings, remove and try to allow them again when the update or avast starts again.
Also, please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
ok i will try this and i hope i counted right here is the log view you asked for. also should these have both outgoing and incoming privileges or just outgoing only if the need both i will set as trusted app i think that will allow bothe.
22.07.2008 16:12:25.000 1216768345 internet SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1227;f)
22.07.2008 16:12:25.000 1216768345 internet Used server: http://download603.avast.com/iavs4x
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 203 (maintenance:0)
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download678 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 internet Used server: http://download678.avast.com/iavs4x
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-44 returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-4cb returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-4cb returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-8072201 returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-prg_av_pro-4cb.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-vps-8072201.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-news-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-setup_av_pro-4cb.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package WARN:LoadPartVpu ended on no pInfo
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-jrog-44.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 general Part of license key: W38110018H5300A1106
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 153 & 153 = 0
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 153 & 153 = 0
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package IsFullOkay: setup_av_pro-4cb.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package IsFullOkay: setif_av_pro-4cb.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package IsFullOkay: vps-8072200.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 16:12:27.000 1216768347 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8072201.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package vps: same as previous [8072201]
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package IsFullOkay: vps-8072200.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8072201.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 153 & 153 = 0
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package Transferred: files 2, bytes 20, time 608 ms
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 2
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package Submit: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 package Submit success: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 file NeedReboot=false
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 general Return code: 0x20000001 [Nothing done]
22.07.2008 16:12:36.000 1216768356 general Stopped: 22.07.2008, 16:12:36
22.07.2008 18:06:48.000 1216775208 general Started: 22.07.2008, 18:06:48
22.07.2008 18:06:48.000 1216775208 general Running setup_av_pro-4cb (1227)
22.07.2008 18:06:48.000 1216775208 system Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3]
22.07.2008 18:06:48.000 1216775208 system Memory: 30% load. Phys:1467548/2096620K free, Page:3493252/4038520K free, Virt:2067880/2097024K free
22.07.2008 18:06:48.000 1216775208 system Computer WinName: TONYSCOMPUTER
22.07.2008 18:06:48.000 1216775208 system Windows Net User: TONYSCOMPUTER\Tony
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps /silent /progress
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general DldSrc set to inet
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general Old version: 4cb (1227)
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 system Using temp: C:\DOCUME~1\Tony\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_proI.tm~a02944 (24643M free)
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 internet SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1227;p)
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 system Computer DnsName: tonyscomputer
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 system Computer Ip Addr:
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 system Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (24643M free)
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 package Part prg_av_pro-4cb is installed
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 package Part vps-8072201 is installed
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 package Part news-4b is installed
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 package Part setup_av_pro-4cb is installed
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 package Part jrog-44 is installed
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general Old version: 4cb (1227)
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 1053->153->153
22.07.2008 18:06:49.000 1216775209 general GUID: 97d3b7ab-1574-4b65-ac93-4808911dc9cf
22.07.2008 18:06:51.000 1216775211 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 203 (maintenance:0)
22.07.2008 18:06:51.000 1216775211 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download916 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
22.07.2008 18:06:51.000 1216775211 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
22.07.2008 18:06:51.000 1216775211 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
22.07.2008 18:06:51.000 1216775211 internet SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1227;f)
22.07.2008 18:06:51.000 1216775211 internet Used server: http://download916.avast.com/iavs4x
22.07.2008 18:06:52.000 1216775212 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 203 (maintenance:0)
22.07.2008 18:06:52.000 1216775212 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download946 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
22.07.2008 18:06:52.000 1216775212 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
22.07.2008 18:06:52.000 1216775212 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 internet Used server: http://download946.avast.com/iavs4x
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-44 returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-4cb returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-4cb returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-8072201 returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-prg_av_pro-4cb.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-vps-8072201.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-news-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-setup_av_pro-4cb.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package WARN:LoadPartVpu ended on no pInfo
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-jrog-44.vpu’ returned 00000000
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 general Part of license key: W38110018H5300A1106
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 153 & 153 = 0
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 153 & 153 = 0
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package IsFullOkay: setup_av_pro-4cb.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package IsFullOkay: setif_av_pro-4cb.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package IsFullOkay: vps-8072200.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 18:06:53.000 1216775213 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8072201.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package vps: same as previous [8072201]
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package IsFullOkay: vps-8072200.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8072201.vpu - is okay
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 153 & 153 = 0
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package Transferred: files 2, bytes 20, time 501 ms
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 2
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package Submit: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 package Submit success: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 file NeedReboot=false
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 general Return code: 0x20000001 [Nothing done]
22.07.2008 18:07:00.000 1216775220 general Stopped: 22.07.2008, 18:07:00
also i can’t get this one to show up C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service) what do i do manualy add it i don’t have a resident e-mail with pop3 on my computer that it can scan. but also if i do add it what do i give it outbound access only or make it a trusted app?
This log is showing that you are are up to date with the VPS updates.
We would need to see the earlier part for the last actual update taking place but you are updating.
So is your concern that you are not seeing the blue popup and the audible alert?
If you do not use an email client to read your mail then the Internet Mail provider is not essential and can be terminated permanently.
There is some value in having it running at high sensitivity even in this case so that it would detect any emaikl spambot infection should you be unfortunate enough to acquire one.
yes that be it what hapend to it also like i said i don’t seam to find this C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service) in there should i add it? also what do these need to be outgoing or both if both should i make them a trusted app? or make them trusted anyhow so i have no problems.
Since you do not use an email client then no email should be received or sent by the avast Internet Mail provider (ashMaiSv.exe). Since no email is expected to received or sent (because you do not use an email client) then the safest position for you is to not allow it in your firewall. That way - if you should become infected with an email spambot - it will be prevented from sending spam emails via the services of avast.
i found it in there it was there i remove it and it just comes back so i figured id just leave it in there lol. i do use a e-mail client windows live mail i forgot about that although i don’t now if it is scanning it i will leave it in case it dose in some form or another or if i add a pop3 to it.
also why do i not get this anymore blue popup and the audible alert?
Glad you remembered that Windows Live Mail is a regular mail client (though Hotmail accounts in WLM cannot be scanned by avast).
As for the update notification - please go to avast > Program Settings > Update Basic > Details and check the options there for audible alert/Silent and whether the sliding box options are checked.
all seams ok wired maybe it is doing it when i a sleep and i just don’t here it.
Like Alan said, this part of the log seems ok… I’m thinking on other possibilities… :
thanks all i hope it updates good today i don’t think anything is being block in the defense + part of comodo
There is a new version of the program, 4.8.1229.
yeah i just got that but i get those manual d-load any whey to set them to auto update?
The program updates are released but to avoid excessive load on the servers the auto update check happens randomically every 7 days and it’s not checking every time you connect to the Internet as with the iAVS checks. Every avast installation has a unique, randomly generated GUID (“general unique identifier”) associated with it (it is generated during installation). This ID is random, but fixed. They use this value to determine when the updater pops up on YOUR machine, i.e., the program already knows that the update is there, but it won’t tell you until it’s your turn. You have to allow the update, i.e., it’s not a forced and automatic update.
its all working now a ok thanks all you were right all of you i had one thing not allowed i saw it when avast updated i allowed it and wam there it went.