Avast not working anymore

I’ve been using Avast Free for years now and today I decided to buy the Premium Security version (1-year subscription). Once I bought the subscription, I received the email confirming my purchase and I also received the activation code.
I then opened the Avast app and activated the subscription with the code that has been sent to me.
Once the subscription was activated I ran a fast scan and, suddenly, Avast crashed. I tried repairing, reinstalling and downloading Avast from the link provided in the email, but nothing worked so far.
Unless I do not activate the code, Avast will stop working properly until I uninstall it.

Anyone can help?

I’m running Avast on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit with the latest updates.

Scroll down in the forum and you’ll see that others are having the same problem today, with both the free and paid versions. Sounds like the latest version has a bug, so I guess just wait for the next update. A “full scan” works, but “smart scan” crashes.

Thank you, did not see it actually. Have a nice day.

anyone who has an experience in running smart scan then it shutdown the software directly???..

i have the same problem. i uninstalled avast until they fix this problem.

As soon as I start the scan, the software freezes and then, after 20 seconds, it closes itself. If I try to reopen it afterward the window flashes for a second and crashed again and again.

I also uninstalled the software. Looking forward to reinstalling it as soon as they fix it properly.

A lot of people getting this, myself included. Your best bet is to run a full virus scan instead and in the meantime just leave the app running without using smart scan and wait for a fix. I’ve also noticed a network scan has the same issue.

I have exactly the same problem, Avast Premium security on Windows 8.1. Startintig freezing after few second during smart scan and wifi inspection, windows closing the app and won’t restart, only if you reboot your device. I have tried to reinstall with a clean avast program but nothing happen, just wont know if the program running well, protection and firewall, or there is a problem of security with this bug?

Is anyone from Avast going to give a solution to this?

It’s been reported to Avast and Avast has acknowledged the problem.
They are working on a fix.

FYI. From Avast re Smart Scan.