Avast on a PC that I sold, Re-register??

If I put avast home version on a computer that I just sold and registered with my email address then what will happen in 18 months when it is ready to be re-registered?
Will I get an email or will the person with the sold computer get a message saying to re-register from a pop up?

Only you can receive your emails…
I suppose you’ve sold the computer without your personal data (email accounts, etc.) in it…
The new owner will have to register and will use his/her own email address.
You can use that email address and receive the new key for your new computer 8)

Please answer the question.
Ok, I will try again and maybe I should use baby talk.

Now, when Mr new computeruser is into his 18th month of his free Avast 4 Home that I installed when it was mine, (Ok that was easy to understand, let’s continue)

how will he know that he needs to re-register or will he know?

Does any of this happen:

  1. Does he receive a popup saying that he needs to re-register?
  2. Do I receive an email saying that I need to re-register, even though I don’t own the computer any more?

And if #2 will happen then how will I remember who this person was that I sold the computer to tell him to re-register.

Ok that seems like easy readin’

Did you understand any of this?

Can I call you to explain further?

Please this is important because I sold a number of computers with Avast on it.

I want to get this straight and I need a clean, concise understanding what is going to happen to these customers of mine with their Avast Home version.

I may have to change my plan of how I give antivirus for my new people.

Please don’t send me to some other discussion board to read some more stuff that is related but not what I need. I already got this once from Tehnical at webadmin@asw.cz

If you don’t clear with me then I will go with AVG or Antivir and go with them and then you lose business.

Simple answer, you shouldn’t install avast on a computer you are going to sell. The main reason given by Alwil is that you can’t vouch for the new owners non-business useage.

The home version is registered for your non-commercial use one your computer with your email address. They should register it with their own details and email address.

That is not what I asked!!!

I hope others are reading this so they can complain how questions are being answered or NOT answered.

This question has not been answered yet so let’s try it again.

“what is going to happen to these customers of mine with their Avast Home version.”

Boy am I angry now. Now you are wasting my time.

Watch your attitude!
I’m sure you can contact that person and tell him to re-register his own copy of avast! Home Edition with his own email. I think this is simple enough.

There is no need for sarcasm, many people on these forums don’t use English as their first language.

Please this is important because I sold a number of computers with Avast on it.

I want to get this straight and I need a clean, concise understanding what is going to happen to these customers of mine with their Avast Home version.

I may have to change my plan of how I give antivirus for my new people.

If you are in the business of building/refurbishing computers which you sell then Alwil has said in the past you shouldn’t install the home version when you can’t vouch for the end user. They are the ones making the declaration when they register for home non-business use.

If you don't clear with me then I will go with AVG or Antivir and go with them and then you lose business.
I don't see how business can be lost when you are intending to install the free version.

The other option is to install the Pro Trial version which gives a 60 trial without having to register. At the end of the 60 days they can either sign up for the Pro version or register fr the Home version if they qualify for non-business use. The home version gives 14 months virus pattern updates (not 18 months), then all they have to do is re-register and get a further 14 months.


A lot of people who I sell to barely know what a right-click of a mouse does. They need to know what it means to register.

How will they know.
Again, will their be a pop up message saying to re-register on their computer?

Why can’t you answer this question?

Why won’t you give me this information?

Are you just a control freak and just like to give rules?

Answer the question.


You can start fighting and losing the others time. Not mine. I do not receive money to ask your questions.
As you can see for the others answers, we’re trying to help.

He won’t be able to update… After 14 months the user need to update and the user must know that.
There is not a general approval to sold computers with avast Home version installed.

I’m not sure but I think not.

Most probably… You can’t register avast for other users…

You can’t do that… ;D

I never used that email address as its not mine. You’re messing your informations… I do not work for Alwil…

Please, don’t threaten for nothing 8)

Forjonny, take it easy… 8)
Your manners are out of the forum policy… 8)
I tried to answer your question… Don’t you think so?

My manners are out of forum policy huh? :o
Well why do I have to spend an hour or more to get one simple answer? I have been talking good about your antivirus software to dozens and dozens of people for months. :wink:
I am in the computer business.
I am the vice-president of a computer user group here that meets once a month and has over 100 members. 8)
My job is to suggest software and hardware suggestions to computer users.
So be nice. Read that last statement again.

I will not use Avast Home on any more of computers that I sell. Besides no one knows what will happen in 14 months either the computer user or you guys. ???

I can’t go out and find all the people that I set up with Avast. I will have to wait until they call me to give them direction. :-\

I guess I will set them up with the Pro version instead but if I need answers then I am determined to get an answer from whoever I get software from, because
I am not going to be a flaky computer guy and have to say, Duh when someone askes me a question. ???

My customers are not that computer savy and I take care of them. I have a reputation for taking care of people in a clean, precise way. :wink:

They may forget what I said but I will be straight with them or find an answer or solution for them. :slight_smile:

You should as well but I won’t tell you how to run your business. If you don’t know something about your service then I suggest that you find out so you will keep your customers and keep them well informed. :wink:

If you don’t know if someone will get a pop up to re-register then you should of said so in the first place. ???
Norton sends a message that you will need to update your subscription thru a pop up don’t they? I don’t use that crappy program but I have been told that you get a message on a pop up.

It is hard for me to believe that you are sending out a nice antivirus program out all over the world and don’t know for sure what happens after 14 month. That blows my mind.

Do what you have to do to find out is my suggestion. For now I have a different opinion about Avast because of this mess.

Don’t burn your bridges. I have suggested this av software to many. ;D

Now lets start from ground up. If you sell PCs you can ONLY install avast! Professional on sold machines. If the user is home user he/she will regsiter for Home Edition License. If it’s for buisness he/she will buy Pro license.
Otherwise he/she can remove it from system after trial period of 60 days expire.

If you sold PC to someone you probably have his/her contact phone number/mail/whatever. Ask he/she to get his/her own license for avast! Home/Pro (depending on status home/commercial) because you accidantly forgot yours on that PC. I’m sure anyone would gladly help you,even the one to which you sold the PC.
You can point that person to www.avast.com for more info about this.
I really don’t see what’s so hard to do about this small issue.

It’s not like you forgot Professional key on that PC… i hope…

Well usually I will buy a computer for resale. I will install the Home version for myself and use the computer. It’s usually a laptop. I may not sell the laptop for up to a month before someone comes along and buys it. They walk into my house, buy the computer and they are off.
I don’t usually keep in touch with them as they may be from anywhere. They could of sold the computer.

I don’t have them into my shop and tell them that my antivirus is on their computer and they will have to download their own. In that case I would have to uninstall it in front of them, reinstall it with their own name. Or do you suggest that I would do that?

I guess I could do that.

But you see when I puchase a laptop, it is mine until or if I resell it. So I leave it as is. With the AV on there.

So that’s what I usually do. I just leave it there and tell the customer to use it for 14 months and re-register it…

Believe this 1 person out of 10 would really re-register and 0 out of 10 would remember that I told them about the 14 months.

Well I guess I can tell them to take the computer home, uninstall the Avast and re-download it for themselves and then register it. How about that?

So in the time it takes to download it, they may get a virus then they will blame me.

Any more suggestions? :-[

I tried to give you the right one on the first time.

Your time is as important as ours, other avast users.

I told you what will happen. You’ll receive a email warning that.

You’ll be able to install the Trial version only. 60 days of trial period…

You’re talking with users not the owners of Alwil Company.

It’s not this way. You can see a renew period on the avast4.ini file settings. Maybe you’ll be warned by a pop up window or a panel over the system tray. I just need a confirmation from Alwil team.

You can’t do that. You’re making money with the laptops… Home version is only for home users, NON-COMMERCIAL.

Why should a user blame to a computer reseller because he gets a virus…
Do you sell the software license on that laptops (Windows, avast, etc.) or just piracy? :frowning:

Why, you ask why. Hell they will blame the recent computer owner if anything happens to their computer even if they spill coffee into it. You haven’t been around have you.
Hey, mister computer seller, my computer doesn’t work any more. Hum, mrs computer buyer, how come your computer smells like coffee?
Well mr computer seller, I don’t know, I didn’t do nothing.

I didn’t load that lousy software, or look at those porn sites, or download AOL, bla bla bla.

Usually a computer problem is user based but they will find someone to blame.

How did you separate your Quotes. I can’t do that. Mine didn’t come out as neat as yours.

Now you’re the one which is not answering the questions…
Did you sell licenses for Windows with your laptops?

Just copy the quote command into brackets and add the /quote command at the end.
I changed brackets for parenthesis to show here:

(quote author=forjonny link=topic=12412.msg104763#msg104763 date=1112127351)
How did you separate your Quotes.

(quote author=forjonny link=topic=12412.msg104763#msg104763 date=1112127351)
I can’t do that. Mine didn’t come out as neat as yours.

The word would be Sell.

I don’t put the Windows on the computers. I get them that way. They have the coa on them.

Or I get new Dells with the coa and the disk.