Avast only one to detect HTML:Defacement-R [Trj]!

See: http://killmalware.com/intelitraffic.com/#
Website defaced: https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/intelitraffic.com#sitecheck-details
Severity: Potentially Suspicious
Reason: Suspicious JavaScript code injection.
Details: Procedure: unescape has been called with a string containing hidden URL (.ucoz dot net ^) to script code
Threat dump: View code *
Threat dump MD5: B4E737B5CCABAE49FA35733A6EB5485E
File size[byte]: 16950
File type: ASCII
Page/File MD5: 9A07F43E7EAFA9F06069BD3DE0F0B1B1
Scan duration[sec]: 0.060000
View *: http://whois.india.dj/source/intelitraffic.com/ Read ^: https://adblockplus.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24791
