Hooray! The Network Shield blocked a link to a malicious site in a hidden iframe. My first true positive since I first installed Avast. (Has it really been only 18 months since I switched from AVG?) The Wordpress blog at hxxp://ilias.ca/blog has been hacked with a hidden iframe containing a link to a malicious site. I’ve broken the link since you shouldn’t follow it. I’ve left warnings in the comments on a couple of the blog entries and emailed the owner, Chris Ilias.
Now you know for certain the function works ;D
just gave it a try for fun ;D …it’s blocked by the web shield already in avast 5… you wouldn’t believe it but I got about 50 alerts like the one on the screen shot, like the connection was trying to reactivate everytime it was aborted by the web shield …until I cleared the cache and cookies.
Ha, ha. Those darn Wordpress blogs! I should be more careful where I go, eh?