I have been using Avast Password Manager for at least two years. I have always used the same master password. Today when I tried to enter the Manager it would not accept my password. I tried again very carefully several times, but no luck. So I chose the option to change my Master. The change dialog first asked for my old password, then had me enter a new one twice. It accepted the change and immediately let me in. So apparently it recognized my old one, or it wouldn’t have allowed me to enter a new one.
Why wouldn’t it let me use my old password to enter Password Manager but it allowed me to use the old password to create a new one??
It seems very much like Avast was forcing me to change it. Has anyone else experienced this?
There should be no reason for Avast Passwords to “force” you to change the Master Password. You should decide if you want to create a Master password and if you want to change it.
I suggest that you perhaps export your Passwords data to a browser or file (https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Export-Google-Chrome-Passwords-data/),
and should this issue occur again, take screenshots of the steps you take. This might provide us with a better overview.