Avast passwords slow to load, not enough functionality

I’ve been a customer of your products for years now, always endorsing it over most other competitor products on the market. I think your company really hits the nail on the head with what it offers, specifically enjoy your mobile apps like anti-theft. I also use antivirus on both mobile and windows, recently upgrading to Premier.

With Premier, I see that this tool called “passwords” is offered and I am using it but am finding it difficult to use. I followed the instructions that it said, letting Avast import all of my web passwords into it, then deleted them in the browsers themselves so only avast had a copy. I had so many that I think your product is having a difficult time parsing them all. When I click on the passwords tool, it takes at least 5 minutes for it to bring the list up. My system is more than capable of handling that much data, running a dual core chip with plenty of RAM and 64 bit OS. Not sure if this has been reported or not, so please let me know if you need anything more from me to troubleshoot this.

What is more disturbing is with this issue, I thought to uninstall and reinstall the program but since Avast has the only copy of my passwords, to do that would wipe all that out. I looked for a way to export them but don’t see that option in your tool. Why is this the case? What happens if my computer crashes? Please let me know how I can export all of these without having to go into each one individually.

Hope this helps…


Those are great pages, thanks for sharing! Unfortunately they do not answer any of the issues I posted about. Recapping:

  1. Avast Passwords worked ok until I decided to import the passwords from my browsers. I have on the order of about 150 different websites with usernames and passwords saved. When I try to open passwords now, it takes between 10-20 minutes to open up to the app window where you can actually interact with the entries.

  2. There doesn’t seem to be a way to EXPORT my dataset out to a CSV file for example. Yes I saw the backup feature, but that only allows me to import that backup into another system also running passwords. What if I wanted to view/edit the entries with another application like excel? Most other app managers have this feature for example, Dashlane (google’s 2015 app of the year) has it as well as export, and backup, etc. The data belongs to the user, it was originally imported using Avast from another application where it resided until Avast advised me to delete that copy. The data should not be held hostage, only accessible using Avast. That does not give the user flexibility.

Yes Password is a new component that I also use on my xp machine with Premier installed.
Unfortunately I personally can’t offer a specific remedy however if no other suggestion/info is forth coming I suggest you contact support and explain your issue in ‘detail’

Contact Avast support:
http://support.avast.com > Scroll down and Submit a Support Ticket

You’re welcome. Best you follow schmidthouse’s advice and submit a ticket.

Thank you. I submit ticket.

You’re welcome.
Please note that some bugs are already fixed in the new beta versions.