Avast PDA Fatal Alert on PalmOS 5.2.1

I have been using Avast Home and have found it great.

With a new Palm Tungsten T3 I thought I should investigate some AV software and that Avast was a good place to start.

The Tungsten T3 has the following environment and bundled apps:

  • PalmOS v5.2.1
  • Versamail v2.61
  • Palm Web Pro v3.0.1a
  • BlueBoard & BlueChat v2.1.2
  • Handmark Solitaire v3.06
  • Documents to Go v 6.002 (643)
  • T3 update
  • Java for the Palm

Apps not bundled but installed:
Agendus v6.14
Worldmate v8.2
Ewallet v3.0

Installed Avast PDA for PalmOS via quick installer
Attempted to execute Avast on PDA using standard screen size 320x320 (have not extended screen to 320x480) started Avast and received a blank screen then Fatal Alert window with the following text “Fatal Exception” and Reset button. Reset button didnot work and had to do a reset via the reset switch on the back of the device.

Not sure if this is a known issue. The palm support site states that any Fatal Errors on the T3 are most likely to be due to 3rd party software incompatibilities.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

It’s hard to say what may be wrong, I will send you a special debug version.

The fixed version is available to download from our web.