From experience on this forum and thru the ticket system; to many times users are misinterpruted and misunderstood. I have been on both sides of the stick in this one. :-[
I would like to invite Alwil to come and see the wonders of Utah 8) . Many companies have chosen our various fullfilment centers (from DishNetwork to Microsoft), as these centers provide excellent AND HONEST service, for the most part. While anyone can get a bad operator ; most calls that you make that end up in one of our many fullfilment centers are pretty decent. Its that whole mormon thing that in this area works for once.
- We also now have a fiber internet backbone all over our state 8) . While some cities refuse to grow up and get with the times, there are a number (and growing) that are on the band wagon with REAL internet choice. I can tell you as a mere consumer user that its like when one first got off 56k and went to cable or dedicated DSL but times about 100 :o . If Avast does choose to start providing phone support again; I urge them to contact someone in the Utopia networked cities for their support fullfilment.
While this will not solve everyones problems, it will create the professionalism of phone support with the product many of us are very dedicated to ;D . We have many people in our state that speak a number of different languages besides American English. This is due to mormons coming home from serving missions abroad; as well as being the top state for e-innovation(s). In other words, people of the world have chosen Utah for thier business and brought their native toungue with them. :-*
Feel free to PM me if you work for Avast and would like some of the fullfilment center names, or Im sure you could Google them. Their are a few smaller ones that are defintly questionable but the large sites are highly recommended. ;D -I only provide this link as a separte context item from any of my other posts. I DO NOT work for, nor represent them other than being a user thru one of their allowed ISP’s.
Please, Avast; consider Utah for your next choice of phone support fullfilment!!!