AVAST Premier blocks my printer spooler ...


After the AVAST Premier installation on a Windows 8.1, impossible to print or to add a printer: my printer spooler can not start. I uninstall AVAST Premier, and now it works fine …

I was able to reproduce the same behavior on another desktop PC (Windows 7 SP1) where we were not able to print, after installing the AVAST free edition …

I’ve two HP Printers.

Thanks for your help.

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:
Sounds like the Firewall module in Premire.
Check and make sure the printer spooler has proper permission.
To test this, deactivate the firewall module and see if your print spooler now works.

Not being an avast firewall user, I can’t speak from personal experience, but isn’t there a file and printer sharing or network option in the firewall settings.

Try this
Place a tick in ICS and private boxes

Yes, you can find it by clicking on “System rules…” in the picture Essexboy posted above.

Greetz, Red.

Yes, got that, I knew there was something in the settings, but not using the avast firewall I didn’t know the correct term used in the settings.