Avast Premier doesn't let Private Internet Access (OpenVPN) through

I switched from Kaspersky Total Internet Security to Avast Premier on the advice of a friend who’s a huge Fed Gov geek. Maybe that change was a big mistake, although my PC runs much better with Avast. However, I have a non-functioning VPN.
I deinstalled Avast Premier, restarted the PC. Then shut it down. unplugged it to clear out little tentacles.
Restarted. Reinstalled PIA from their site directly.
Worked fine.
Shut down the PC for the night.
Turned it on this morning. No joy.
Says No Internet access via Ethernet on the TAP Driver V9. It’s up to date.
Must be on my WIFI to be getting access to the internet.

Running PIA V68 on Dell Inspiron PC running Win 10 Home.

I hate running my PC without a VPN. HATE IT!!
Have alot of financial work to do for my elderly Mum and refuse to until some angel provides me with a solution.

Does this change anything … turn off portscan

Avast UI → Protection → Firewall → Settings → Advanced → Uncheck “Enable automatic port scan detection”

Did that work?

Did you use vendor uninstaller to remove Kaspersky?


Reboot system after running removal tool.

I run Private Internet Access VPN with Avast Internet Security and it works fine without any issues at default Firewall settings.