I am about to uninstall and stop using this program. So I use my computer for mining and just in the last few weeks suddenly I can’t stop Avast from seeing my Miner as well A MINER!!! I have a .cmd file that I wrote that does a system check and then starts my miner if my computer is idle for a certain amount of time. If the miner is already running it just terminates the CMD.
Up until a few weeks ago I could just do an exception of c:\miner* and it would stay silent and not complain. Now no matter what I do I get an error “we’ve safely aborted connection on c:\miner\startmining.cmd because it was Infected with BV:Miner-LM [Trj]”
I have it in my exceptions but STIL it ignores it the only way to stop this is turn off the Web Shield or disable all of avast.
Here is the alert ID: 00a044f7a39b/2024-08-27T01:45:50.472Z
other information:
Windows 11
Avast Premium
Program Ver: 24.7.6124 (build 24.7.9311.861)
Virus def: 240826-4
UI Version: 1.0.811
Please help me get this in the exceptions, I have tried the whole folder, I have tried the CMD file and the miner itself nothing helps now.