Now that avast! with pro features (including some for Anti-Theft) is announced I’m wondering what about the users who bought TheftAware when it was standalone?
Will we get some rebate? Or, my preferred solution, a semi-pro version that only unlocks the pro features of Anti-Theft (I only use that part anyway, no need to clutter my systems with AV solutions)?
Same question, I have purchased Anti-Theft in October 2011 and using it since then… I still have exact time, purchase ID and everything… so if we get it for free how can we do that?
daran hat sich noch nichts geändert. Ich verstehe, dass Sie gern was hätten - aber das, worfür damals bezahlt wurde, steht ja nach wie vor kostenlos für Sie zur Verfügung.
Man könnte es mit Windows vergleichen. Hat man Windows 7 gekauft, heißt das nicht, dass man ein kostenloses Windows 8 bekommt.
Die Diskussion ist jedenfalls noch am laufen.
Ich rate Ihnen, kommunikation in dieser Sache im Forum zu halten - wir beide können natürlich gerne darüber diskutieren, aber ich habe keinerlei Einfluss auf den Prozess.
beste Grüße,
thats bad because I have bought Antitheft for getting new features for lifetime and support. I have got now my feature added with taking picture but have to pay again. I am very angry that in the past I have spend my money for this!
yeah, let’s hope that they will honor theftaware lifetime subscriptions.
i would really like to be able to download just the avast anti theft package, then recognize the subscription via the google account, w/o the whole suite and let it install the root version, which sadly isn’t possible right now.
Hmm just saying if you have Windows 7 you can upgrade to Windows 8 for less money as if you had nothing… and well I only want the new features for Anti Theft and not all the Premium features… would also be happy with a lower cost “half” premium package only for the Anti Theft features…
I would like to know this as well, I bought TheftAware a few weeks before it was purchased and did not mind that they made it free, but now with premium content I am not happy.
Free one year vouchers are just right now being distributed by email to all former Theft Aware customers. Its subscription license for 1 year for free.
Reinhard thank you for your mail. I have activate my code. A little question is now if after the year the subscription will end automatic or I have to do something?
My hope was that old customers will get the Antitheft feature for lifetime for free like bought in the past.
After 1 year, subscription will automatically end.
Unfortunately it is not possible to give free licenses for all lifetime as those premium services also use up online resources which constantly cost us money (this was not the case with Theft Aware which had no online services tied to it). I hope you all understand that, and I hope you appreciate the current solution.