Avast Pro not detecting Win.Trojan.PCRat-1

As the subject header says Win.Trojan.PCRat-1 just sailed past my avast pro this morning, I knew something was up when my pc suddenly developed hiccups and started to slow down, I had already done a virus check and nothing was reported.

I have used ClamWin free via a usb stick and the following has been reported by ClamWim

so why am I paying for a virus checker and the above just bypassed Avast Pro and a free virus checker finds it straight away

I am not a happy bunny atm

so why am I paying for a virus checker and the above just bypassed Avast Pro and a free virus checker finds it straight away
Fact of life (or antivirus) [b] NO[/b] security program have 100% detection ..... if they did there would not be a malware problem

i found this sample yesterday

today it looks like this

also consider that your ClamAV can have a False Positive ( False Positive = Clean file detetced as malware)

you may upload and test detected files here www.virustotal.com

you can upload undetected files to avast here https://support.avast.com > avast virus lab

if you need help cleaning / checking your computer, follow instructions here https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0
when requested logs are attached a malware expert will assist you