avast pro not updated and fully updated at the same time?

I just installed Windows 7 RC1 (build 7100) on my laptop, and Avast Pro 4.8. According to the main screen (that looks like a media player) It believes the current version of the virus database is 090510-0. However, the Action Center is complaining that the virus database is out of date. When I try to update the database (click on the lightning bolt) I get the following output:

Information about current update:
Total time: 3 s

- Vps: Already up to date
  (current version 090527-0)

Server: a683sm.avast.com (
Downloaded files: 2 (0.02 KB)
Download time: 1 s

Am I missing something? I have not tried reinstalling yet because I figured you guys would want to hear about this.

Could try a reboot.

Is your system time and date correct?

Yeah, forgot about that one (the easiest fix of all!). Check that too.

I’ve done multiple reboots, and the time and date are correct. Same thing. iAVS update says it’s got the latest version, Main screen and Action Center say I don’t.

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. This has on occasions resolved this out of sync version issue.

That did it. Thanks! :slight_smile:

No problem, glad I could help.

Welcome to the forums.

Had the same issue with RC1 a couple weeks ago and the Repair approach fixed it for me too.