avast pro on korean win xp

well… We would like to install Avast! 4 Pro English on a Korean language WinXP.
Since I’m not sure this “could” cause problems or not I’d like to ask if anyone has experience on this…

(well, I can’t read anything in that specific win XP so troubleshooting it is not something I’m wanting to…)

Ps, we only have 1 customer that’s using a “very-non-standard” language :slight_smile: (but… it’s an important one ) 8)

Shouldn’t be a problem.

Won’t be a problem.
BTW avast 4.5 will also included Korean language version.


And if any problem would appear after all, just let us know.
Anyway, as Vlk said, I don’t think Korean should cause any troubles. Some time ago, we fixed a few issues regarding Japanese environment (where the double-byte encoding of the names cased some problems), but Korean encoding is different and should be OK.