avast PRO or ESET NOD32

Guys I could use unbiased help. I know I’m in avast forum so most likely most of users here will try to lean me towards avast but I’m curious how many of you, even thou using avast feels that certain aspects of what avast does e.g. “Smart Scan” tactic bothers you and you on the fence like me as well.

Remember few weeks ago when I said I’m done with avast when they first came up with this “Smart Scan” scheme and as already paying customer and long…long time avast PRO user I fed up with that and dropped avast on impulse, but shortly after came back due to realization that avast is still very good AV compare to competitors but the selling tactics was and still is too much to live with I want clean program.

Anyways, when I ditched avast I went to NOD32 and at the time they had issue with UI, it would enable (waking up ) all sleeping mechanical drives upon coming up to desktop. Well, strangely not to many people were complaining about that I thought I was 1 person among many users that even cared maybe because not many ppl using multiple HDDs and maybe not even know this issue.

Anyhow, ESET took a bit of a time but took that seriously and released new version that fixed that issue and I have been running it for days now with tbh. great pleasure.

ESET has very small footprint, small offline installer (55mb) and after install (80mb), its fast, very customizable, works awesome with my Outpost Firewall and most of all, it’s clean from any tactics to sell you anything, that is main reason I feel drawing to ESET but…

I have been using avast PRO on so many of my systems for 2 decades and I’m struggling here, you can understand why, it’s a long history and avast has been good until now.

Does any of you have anything to add pros/cons towards either of them so my decision will weight more to one or the other I’m really having hard time.

Here is my dilemma:

avast Pro: I know pretty much every corner of the settings, good detection, good customer and forum support, longgggggg history and I got used to it but I truly hate the selling tactics, always something new in that department.

NOD32: very small footprint, excellent detection, good customer and forum support, taking customers seriously but I’m new to their product and that is always the hardest part.

I know I’m asking this in avast forum so it might be awkward but can someone whose is truly unbiased push me toward one direction with rational explanation.
Thanks all

There is a sub-forum for stuff like this
Non-Avast security products

For any help to be given it really would require the forum member was/is currently using NOD32 and Avast Pro, I doubt there are too many falling into that category.

I know its a long shot but thx anyways.
Instead me duplicating all this , can someone move that to that section.
Thanks DavidR

Unbiased in the Avast Forum…really ???

The best way to decide what you should do is to try both software programs for a decent period of time ‘yourself’ and then make your choice that’s best for your specific situation and OS configuration.
The way I have made my decisions over the years is to try the software myself and not worry about others opinions based on their needs, experience, and perception.

I know I know :smiley: but you can’t blame me for trying ;D
I will take that advise. I will run it for a while I might get license for a year for 1 system since I know avast already so having to run NOD32 for a longer period of time might help me to see things in depth.
Thank you guys

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I personally like the Free version of Avast. :slight_smile:

I personally like Avast Premier. :wink:

+1 ;D

My mind its made up ;D 8)

I have some experience with various AVs and some are definitely better than the others in some aspects but are not as good in other aspects
there are reasons to choose Avast than ESET and the opposite

Many Avast’s fans here will disagree at some points because this is avast forum. You will have the same issue in ESET forum

  • Avast is stronger than ESET if you tweak Avast properly (ESET is much much more difficult to tweak) and combine avast with a script blocker (scripting malware is a known weakness of Avast)
  • ESET is slightly better than Avast both at default settings, against non-zeroday malwares. ESET has an extremely small time window in detecting a fully undetected malware = meaning they have signature for new malwares much sooner than Avast
  • Against true zero-day malwares, avast is better due to the well-established Behavior shield (while ESET just implemented their behavior blocker, still very weak)
  • ESET is much much better than Avast against adwares and PUPs, both have PUP protection enabled
  • ESET has fewer compatibility issues than Avast (due to Hardware virtualization → BSODs)
  • ESET is lighter than Avast in default settings → tweaked Avast can be lighter than ESET

of course I can easily make Avast better and lighter than ESET because I know their pros and cons

Considering that this is the Avast support forum, I’m wondering what this topic has to do with an Avast problem?
At best it could be placed here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=88.0
It certainly doesn’t belong in the main Avast Support section.

Which is what I said in Reply #1

I appreciate your breakdown of some pros and cons of both oppose to just plain “I like Avast” ::slight_smile: :smiley:
I have been avast customer for longer than most of the members in this forum, but in short, avast became unpredictable and honestly I can’t wrap my head around some of the starnge moves avast is keep on making.

No AV is 100% bulletproof, one way or the other, they all have their own pros and cons and in my case when I was comparing NOD32 vs avast PRO…they both have excellent customer service, members of both forums are very helpful, both AV have excellent detection, both price match.

Based on that normally this would be really tough decision but…there are things that distinct them in a big way from one another, other than the developer.

NOD32 is as clean as you can get, no tricky sale tactics hidden behind settings, “what you see is what you get”, It has extremely small footprint and at either, default or custom settings, its darn fast and extremely light but most of all, the trust with avast, at least for me, It’s broken.

Thanks guys

This will be my last post here :wink:

I gave away some of the licensees of avast PRO with pretty much 3 years subscription I still have 3 licensees left, any of active members can PM me I will be more then happy to give it away 8)

Have a good day and you can lock or move or delete this thread.
Thanks guys again, it’s been pleasure :slight_smile: