avast! Pro settings problem (or not) ?

I am so happy I became avast! Pro user yesterday… Thanks Alwil Software !!!

However, I think I have a small problem in here… maybe it’s just me, but I want to be sure…

When I’m in ENHANCED user interface, if I choose one of those sessions that I already performed (e.g. scan local disks) and then choose Properties, I can’t change any of those options on the right side of properties window (pink circled). I know, It’s normal that I can not change anything 'cause that task is already performed, but those options looks very “alive”, and IMHO I think it would be maybe better that those options are something like greyed out or something similar… I am not picky, don’t be mad at me guys, but I just wonder is it normal behaviour or not…

Thanks for your answers !

Sasha, if I’m not wrong, you’re seing the Session properties, i.e., a scanning already done.
To see the Task properties, go to the Task folder and right click the task. Here you can set what you want.

But, like you said, it will be better to have the options greyed out at the Sessions settings 8)

Or best, just a list of the properties choosen. Because when something is greyed in an interface, it tells the user that it could be ungreyed in other conditions which is not the case here.

Then how about just list of settings that were used in that particular task ?

If it’s already done, we don’t need to see checkmarks and those little boxes… the way they are shown now, can easily confuse anybody, just as they confused me pretty bad…

We share exactly the same idea S.Z.Craftec !! :wink:

Just give a look at my previous post ;D

Yeah, I’ve noticed that…

I think, we should put this inside WISHLIST, so Alwil guys could work on it for future releases…

I would hesitate between the wishlist or a bug. Well not really a bug but a conception issue. Typical non intuitive GUI (what you think is not what you get). See my signature ::slight_smile:

Hmm, the controls have the flag “read-only” which means that they’re “locked” but not visually distinct…exactly as you see. That’s how it works in Windows…

Maybe it would be better just to remember that sessions are read-only? :wink:

I really don’t agree with you vlk. If a control will never have a chance to be acted on then it is not the right choice of GUI. It is just like using a read-only EditBox instead of a TextBox. If there is no chance that the EditBox could be edited (by an option or else) it should be a simple TextBox.

The best proof of what i’m saying is the fact that S.Z.Craftec is not a newbie, and he was confused with the GUI.

Yeah, but please realize that this is the very same dialog that is used to edit the task. That is, it’s the same dialog with all the controls set to be read-only…

Actually, it could be very easily (by changing one FALSE to TRUE ;D) turned into this… if you think it looks better.

Well, it is just better than nothing but i’m sure that shortly after this change you will have a post in the forum asking “how can i activate the options ?”

Sorry to be so fastidious, it’s because i’ve studied GUI problems during my PhD… ::slight_smile:

Oh yes and i forgot something really important :

The text displayed is really not correct !!! :
“Select the results you want to be stored by the task…” NO you can’t select any result in any way !!!

Idem for the title of the CheckBox group “Type of results to store” it should be “Results stored”.

And finally the last checkbox is nosense “Store results in internal…”

Well, I agree the page should be rephrased somehow… though I think the last checkbox is the one that is actually correct.


I’m not trying to annoy you but it is just that i really love this software and i think that this kind of errors or inconsistencies in the GUI don’t reflect the professionalism and the quality of avast. Specially the enhanced interface which has to be PRO !! I’m not using pro version so i can’t really help but i found similar strange things in the skinned interface (not so important since it is the free version).

That’s the real beauty of this forum… we can always find some solution no matter how far doeas it look…

Thanks Vlk and thaks Igor…

by the way… what FALSE ot TRUE ? :-[

If you remember, can you post…
I did a lot of suggestion in the phrases and text of avast while translating them from English to Portuguese. Let’s make avast interface better and better :wink:

Well i’m currently at office and i only have avast @ home :frowning:

But don’t worry, i’ll post as soon as i notice something interesting :wink:

I also proposed myself as french translator as i noticed many inconsistencies (existing in english as well). Alwil team are waiting a free localization licence to let me get in. Hope i’ll help soon… ::slight_smile: