I have windows vista 32 bit, did system restore after blue screen, avast wouldn’t work. downloaded home suit (very slow)
uninstalled re installed, set boot scan restarted. added pro lic file, wont download updates. set boot scan kept skipping now have “start the ! Shield unreachable” & the old pro download wont work. anyone got some ideas how I can clean up this mess?
Try this
remove with this and reboot http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
install again and reboot
Do I install the regular home avast & then add the pro key or do I install the older version of avast pro I purchased and downloaded a couple of months ago. if not how do I get hold of the latest avast pro?
- Download: avast! Pro Antivirus: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/setup_av_pro.exe
- Follow instructions: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
- Reinstall avast! with the downloaded installer from point 1.
Have done all that and “AavamStart failed” not happy!
I have reinstalled it 4 times. The only version I can get to work stably is the last Alwil pro Avast. Which I did use the remover to remove b4 i installed pro again via the link suggested. Have tried uninstalling & installing it in safe mode, installing in normal administrator mode. everything. Avast menu says its running but windows security says its not. when I reboot for a boot scan it won’t. I don’t know what to do!
Other security related software installed…??
Is your Vista on SP2…??
yep windows vista ultimate sp2. windows firewall on. used to have McAfee and windows virus protection (forgot what its called) both uninstalled. Is there some sort of free cleaner I can use to make sure the registry is clear of them?
Removal tools for previous AV’s can be found here http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/ number 22a in the list for McAfee.
Dont no what windows virus protection is, do you mean MSE ? removal tools are available from the link provided.
After running removal tools try a repair of avast again and reboot, if problem still not fixed then follow with a clean install of avast.
what is MSE?
Microsoft Security Essentials.
yeah i installed them when i couldn’t get anything working, then uninstalled. worried it didnt entirely remove it as i am also having trouble getting google chrome to work.
Well chrome is another issue we can sort out later so run the neccesary removal tools for your old AV’s first and follow the repair or clean install procedure to see if we can get your avast working first then hopefully that might also solve your chrome problem.
is there an ultimate google chrome removal tool. I hate IE. firefox is a bit troublesome.
Not that i know of, CCleaner http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download/slim will help get rid of some leftovers of chrome after a normal uninstall though.
You can also search through your progam files, program data and users files for google and delet manually, note that if you have other google products installed ie ( google earth ) you could delet them also so it’s best to open the file’s first to see whats in them, if you’ve not installed any other google products then go for it and delet any folders called google
I’ve re installed the latest, still doesn’t seem to want to update or do trial or acknowledge my pro license??
Sorry, but I have to ask that: Is your license legit…??
Did you reboot after the install ? can also try a repair of avast if you have a legitimate license as Asyn mentioned.
You can not remove IE as it is part of Windows.
OP doesn’t want to remove IE, it’s chrome there concerned about