The web shield shouldn’t be monitoring the https traffic, which is encrypted so it can’t scan it. The problem is likely to be because you start on an http page and are redirected to the https page and this is usually a conflict with a firewall privacy setting, like Zone Alarm Pro.
You absolutely need a firewall and preferably one that provides protection against unauthorised outbound connection. Any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.
I don’t believe your proxy will provide any protection. You need to ensure that you have avast monitor your Proxy. I assume you have set your proxy up in your browser’s connection settings if so in order for avast to monitor that you will need to add it to the Web Shield also, see image.
I’m at a loss as to why this would be happening with https effectively without a firewall interfering as outlined in my previous post.
I assume that you don’t have any problems with regular http web pages. Probably because with your proxy I doubt that the web shield was even scanning them.
You didn’t say if you set your browser to use the proxy connections settings ?
What is your ISP proxy port ?
Revert the changes to web shield and try browsing regular http pages and check if it is even scanning the content. Then you can check the Last scanned: and scanned total: fields and they should be changing and the avast icon should also rotate.
Whilst it shouldn’t make any difference to this problem, you should also set your proxy details in the Program Settings, Update (Connections), Proxy.
The problem necessarily must be in the configuration of the proxy server. Some conflict that I have not been able to solve. (time to contact the proxy Admin… ::))
Revert the changes to web shield and try browsing regular http pages and check if it is even scanning the content. Then you can check the Last scanned: and scanned total: fields and they should be changing and the avast icon should also rotate.
Yes… regular pages are scanning… just got the problem when change from http to https (also sometime with the MSN).