Avast Problem with XP


I’ve got Windows XP (Home) and recently a lot of the windows components don’t work. Fotr example I can’t use IE 6 to check my e-mails and Windows Media Player says it has an internal error, and the Search and Hlep and Support options don’t work.

I think this started after I had a problem with Norton antivirus, so I uninstalled it and tried avast. Avast said that I had trojans and viruses and to delete the files it had suggested, so foolishly I did and after that nothing worked.

Do any of you have any idea how to get everything back to normal?


I recommend that you fully reinstall Windows installation.
As i can read,its pretty trashed and it would be simply too much work to get it back online. I would do the proceedure,but for me only,typing what to do over the board or MSN is a killing task.

From what you told us, I agree with RejZor that a clean installation is advised to do. If you don’t want that (yet?), you can try a in-place repair as explained HERE


Thanks for the responses, the only problem with reinstalling everything is that I’d have to back everything up and it would take ages. I’ll have a look at the link to check if it helps.

Thanks again.

Almost every headache starts with Norton.
But, sure, each headache starts when you do not uninstall Norton properly…

When a virus is found, the wise thing to do is send the file to Chest for further analysis.
You seem to have deleted a system (must have) file… :cry:

The better will be a fully reinstall like RejZor and Eddy suggested.
If you don’t want, try first reinstall Windows over your last installation, I mean, repair the Windows installation. You will need to ‘update’ through Windows Update page.

the only problem with reinstalling everything is that I'd have to back everything up and it would take ages.
creating a backup is something you should have done from the start. First time a full backup, after that (at least) incremental backups. Think about it. Now you are facing a software error, but what if it was a hardware error? eg hd defect....... You wouldn't be able to backup at all if that happens.

Why speaking about a backup AFTER something has gone wrong? A backup is ment to preserve data/applications, so you do it before something goes wrong.