Hello, I was cleaning my friend’s computer and I cleaned his registy, junk files, toolbars like quickstores, babylon, tuvaro etc. Then I removed avg anti-virus and one rogue anti-virus, so I can install avast in peace but he couldn’t even start. Then I tried Superantispyware and he found nothing…later I saw that he doesn’t have all windows components like c++ redistributable, net framework etc. After installing all that must have, I tried avast and he started his window for instalation but when I moved my mouse he minimized himself into a small box(smaller than mouse) and wasn’t responding, then I terminated it but still there was a small box of him. Then I went again in safe mode thinking of malware or spyware. I finally installed it and preformed full scan and sadly he didn’t found any virus. Then I rebooted the computer and started avast in normal windows and again after my movement of mouse he minimized himself in a small box. I don’t believe it’s a virus. So what should I do?
Yes I tried Malwarebytes, superantispyware, avast(in safe mode like i said before) and iobit malware fighter( he found some leftover items of tuvaro toolbar). It’s interesting because he worked in safe mode but he doesn’t work in normal windows ???
They didn’t find anything. They are the best AV software so i really don’t think it’s a virus.
Okay i think the problem may lie in the element of your 1st sentence.
You say you “cleaned the registry”
That is a dangerous action in itself and how exactly was the registry “cleaned”.
I would steer well clear of registry cleaners as they make no difference what so ever and my view on this will never alter no matter how many differing opinions or “points of view” come my way.
Hahaha, well, I know that I didn’t mess up the registry because I don’t clean everything he checks, and besides it was before i installed avast…i use advanced system care for registry, he cleans just broken keys and keys of program that have been uninstalled.
Yes that is indeed true.
Ronnie biggs(great train robber) robbed in the 1960,s but was still tagged as a "great train robber " until his death.
Sorry that was the only analogy that came to mind but the fundamental principle is much the same.
Doesnt matter when “theft” took place,the fact is the theft occured and iobit were the thieves.
here you go, thats my computer print screening, but in video is my friends…
so, moving mouse it gets larger, you will see that i moved to different settings bar aside just to see what works(close and _ and x didn’t work)
and his os is win7 32 bit
Silly reputations aside.
As humanity knows,The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.
I am entitled to an opinion in a free and apparently democratic society.
Opinions and observations by their very nature are mixed and varied.
Your superior tone with me is totally delusional on your part.
You have been confronted by a truth which is not to your liking.
Tell me.
Is it or is it not true that malwarebytes discovered evidence of iobit software stealing there signatures.?