Avast! Professional Edition Forever To Scan

Before you say, “Do a quick scan” or “Disable archives”, I did that already (Combined too) and Avast! still takes about one hour and thirdy minutes to scan. So, ::slight_smile: I was wondering if you could help me Un-Flood my PC. It has lots of crap on it such as backup accounts and some accounts that I don’t even use. However, some of the accounts I tryed to delete manually but it says that the zip is currupted. >:( And before you just say, “Why don’t you just delete it from the Account Manager Thing”, its not in there. I need that extra space! How can I avoid the Zipped Archive is Currupted so I can delete it? I don’t like having to repeatly do a disk cleanup and it only frees from 0 to 80MB. Can you help me out so Me, my computer, and Avast! will be happy? :frowning: Your proabally wondering :o how Avast! be happy? Well, because if theres not that mutch space, Avast! doesen’t have to work that hard! ;D I really need this space!


Accounts? Zip is corrupted? I’m not following you?
Accounts are user accounts?

User Accounts that are broken. (Only has Documents in them with about 10 files)

Can’t you just copy the documents you want and remove them?

All the documents are broken. :frowning: And besides, I hate all of the documents!

If they are corrupted and or unnecessary user accounts, then you should log on or change User to an administrator account and delete the accounts, see image. That is the correct way to go about it rather than try to delete files from windows explorer.

Or, Control Panel, User Accounts.

Exercise extreme care when deleting accounts, it could ruin your whole day.

Its not on the User Accounts but I’ll try Computer Management. :slight_smile:

Well the above relates to XP so if you have Vista then it is likely to be different.

I have Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3. :slight_smile:

Well that is the same as me and I have User Accounts in the Control panel, it lists all the accounts (not as comprehensive as the Computer Management), but by clicking on an account it gives options and Delete is one of them.

I tryed searching for Computer Management but it didn’t find anything.

Found a shortcut in all users but it doesen’t show the backup accounts nor the broken accounts. :frowning:

If you have the XP Pro version then it is under Administrative Tools, which I have as an option in my Start button, if it isn’t there you would have to change the Start Properties.

Found a shortcut in all users but it doesen't show the backup accounts nor the broken accounts. :(

Well if what you found it the same as my first image in Reply #5 then I don’t know what else to suggest. As that Computer Management is the most comprehensive and shows accounts that aren’t shown under The Control Panel, User Accounts didn’t show all of those listed in Computer Management.