Avast program size

Currently using Avast Internet Security on an HP Pavilion and it occupies almost 2GB of now exhausted “disk” space - it is the largest program I have by a factor of about 4. I’d rather have AV on my tablet than not, but 2GB is just too big and I can’t find info on other Avast products (or any other AV program) installed sizes. Can anyone suggest something with a small footprint? No bells no whistles, just basic AV would do. Can Avast Insternet Security - or any Avast AV - be run from a microSD card - that would solve the problem…

https://support.avast.com/article/96/ (Add/Remove components)

My Avast Internet Security Size only 904mb and On disk it is 748 mb.
I am using custom installation.

Thank you to Asyn and Be Secure - size of Avast now almost halved and this has prolonged the life of my tablet by some considerable degree.

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: