Can avast be run or be made to run as a on demand scanner?
It isn’t designed to be an on-demand scanner and requires much hacking to stop it running and isn’t something I would recommend.
Why the need to consider this ?
I have CIS (Comodo Internet Security) I will disable comodo’s real time scanning and only use it as a on demand scanner, that should work right?
I would say that is the better option as avast is much better than the comodo AV.
However, I don’t know if disabling is enough as it like avast may load low level drivers to intercept file access to scan and it is these drivers that can conflict. So I would say uninstall using add remove programs and reboot, now do a custom install of CIS and uncheck any AV element. That would be the best way to ensure there is no potential for conflict, though I don’t know if CIS installation allows for a custom installation.
Yes it does allow for a custom install.
That is probably the best way to go then.