Avast real site shield does not work.


I’m using Avast Premium Security 15.7.4 on macOS 14

Normally I always visit this website to verify if my Avast Secure Site shield is working:


It is normally display a green message about I am protected.
In the past couple of weeks however, it is displaying a red message saying “We are sorry but you are not protected”

I looked inside the VPN settings and I have an Avast DNS Proxy VPN which is disabled for some reason. But even if I enable it, it doesn’t change anything.

I didn’t change anything other than I have upgraded to macOS 14 and I never had any problem with this before.



unfortunately right now on Sonoma, Real Site feature is partially disabled. We have received reports from small but significant number of users, that this feature was preventing them from accessing Internet especially when connecting via Ethernet. We are in contact with Apple, analysing the problem and preparing fixes. The situation is complicated by the fact that we were not able to reproduce it on any of our devices.

We apologise for this, however there currently is no better solution.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek