I have avast on my computer for several months now and it is a great piece of software.
I always log on my system with limited rights and everything is fine and avast updates fine too.
For some reason yesterday, I had logged on to the system with administrative privileges and immediately avast grabbed the occasion to download the whole AV program and updates without asking me, even though I have set avast to ask me for program updates. I thought there was probably an updated version released and so let it go.
After use of so much of bandwidth for the download and then the install, the avast popup summary showed it had downloaded and installed the same version of program and VPS; and then asked me to restart! :o
There was a post a while back (from igor I think) which said that Avast will occasionally automatically install a program update despite any manual settings in order to update all installed programs for new features that are needed.
Depending on what version you had, there has been an update in the way the VPS signatures are delivered/used (I don’t know exactly) but that new method requires a program update beyond a certain version.
This is what the post that browbotham referred to which required a program update in order to get the latest VPS updates.
In that case, however, the build of the installed program and VPS shouldn’t be the same as the previously installed ones.
The end of the setup.log might give some clues…
Many say that it is more secure as any malware that gets into your system doesn’t inherit your administrator privileges and they can’t create registry entries and place files in the system folders and for the most part you don’t need administrator privileges.
But, having to switch users when you do need to have administrator privileges plus MS XP doesn’t make it a condition that you have a limited user account and only use the administrator account when you actually need it. This can be a right royal pain in the rear so most just log on to their account with administrator privileges. There is however, a way to limit the rights of programs that access the internet without much trouble, check out the DropMyRights link in my signature.
You said it David R. It is much safer to run as limited account.
And I use a nifty tool called RunAsAdmin that allows your admin account to run as limited. Yet you have the option to open a specific program as administrator and with a different priority from within Windows (without logging off and loggin in again!). A great program. You can find this here:
Yes, RunAsAdmin is another option and has I believe been discussed in the forums before.
I haven’t experienced any problems with some programs not running under DMR, perhaps you can list those you have tried that don’t work under DMR ?
Perhaps they are listed in the Hall of Shame topic in the General forums of programs that insist on only running with admin permissions. These same applications would fail to run on a limited user and would have to be run with RunAsAdmin ;D
According to the log, you had installed beta version 4.7.932.
When the beta testing was over (22.1.) avast automatically updates to latest release version 4.7.942.