Avast reports Trojan JS:Decode-EQ [trj] But Sucuri gives green light?

My site www.beachtravel.co.za has been blocked by Avast but scanning this site through Securi gives no problems?
Please help!



(“whichcas”) - redirector http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=4924970 (online casino)

Hi Thank you for the quick response and indicators.
I see this code in my browser when I view source, but cannot fond the source in my site files? Any ideas?

see the JS unpack link Dim@rik gave in his post and the picture he attached

See: https://asafaweb.com/Scan?Url=www.beachtravel.co.za/
and http://vurldissect.co.uk/default.asp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.beachtravel.co.za%2F&btnvURL=Dissect&selUAStr=1&selServer=1&ref=&cbxSource=on&cbxBlacklist=on
