AVAST reports.

Good night people
I’ve noticed that my avast detects many infected websites, especially when I watch games on questionable websites.
My question is? I can delete the *.TXT files that avast generates as a report of everything that is happening in all modules, as the image below states.

Note: I’m talking about deleting the content inside *.TXT as the image shows.

Why would you even want to do that ?

These are simple report files in .txt format and take up miniscule space.

You could disable the Avast Self-Defence module, that should allow it to be edited, but you could well break it if clearing it completely…

And I wanted to know if I cleaned what was inside each *.TXT file if there would be a problem with Avast or NOT.
As you said it won’t cause any problems, I’ll be able to delete it normally. when it reaches 1GB lol ;D

Don’t quote me on this as i’m just speculating and don’t know from experience, but I think that if you simply delete the .txt files, I believe they will just be recreated as needed. Even if you don’t come into any threats that need to be blocked, the Shield reports are edited and updated each time you restart your computer with “shield stopped” and then “shield started” as the shields obviously turn off and on when you power your computer of and on respectively. So even if you delete the .txt files they’ll recreate.

You can, much more safely, also disable the reports being created, or at least updated, in the first place in Avast’s settings. Go to the settings, Protection, Core shields, and for each shield Untick “Generate report file”. That will at least stop further information from being added to it.

Great explanation friend. I also believe that if I delete the file it will be created, even if I delete the content inside it will be written.
This avast team is really good, hugs, let’s move on to the next question… lol ;D

I didn’t say it wouldn’t cause any problems “but you could well break it if clearing it completely” as in Avast may well not be able to update the file. I simply don’t know why that might be the case.

I have never cleared out any of the .txt files and my totals are miniscule in the larger scheme of things what are you saving ?

Avast would appear to that on its own, if you just look at the creation dates on some of these files.

This topic I created was to find out if I can delete the content and what happens if I delete it, if I also delete the *.txt what would happen. It’s always good to know.
By any chance, if anyone has tested it, you can post here what happened!

Have you tried just unticking the report generation in the settings? At the very least that will ensure no more data is added to it, but it might delete the file outright.

I didn’t get to try this option.
Will he delete the ones that are there or will he leave them there?
It’s worse that I ask this question but I don’t know if you tested it, I don’t think it will happen anymore, as someone reading here has already done this. hahahaha :smiley:

I don’t know, but worst case you turn that option off and the files are still there.

I’m not even going to try, wait to see if someone has already done this. hahahaha :smiley:

Fair enough, but so you know there’s no risk of anything bad happening by turning that setting off. It’s a lot less risky than what you were asking about initially.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it won’t do anything, even if I’m deleting the text inside the file.

Avast will recreate it empty without old threats (I think that’s why you wanted to know ;)).

The most complicated part of the story is deleting/editing the file, avast doesn’t allow this as long as they’re already open by the program just after OS logon.

you can use the hidden “geek:area” by changing the name of the report file, the old name can be deleted without worrying about permission.

You can also choose “overwrite” rather than “append”.

You will either have a new blank file or only the last entry.

Now I understand, thanks for the explanation.