avast running slowly

home version is running so slowly I think at times it has either stopped, or my system is hanging. After a few cookies (food) it will progress to the button I selected.

Say how many cookies does it take to complete the scan then…? ;D

But seriously - are you talking about the on-access (aka resident) scanner or on-demand scanner? What is your operating system?


The program in whole. On demand, etc, etc.
Windows 98SE, an old laptop 366Mhz, 128 meg ram and plenty of HDD space. It seems to run the memory scan fine, then says program wil continue, after some more cookies it finally does. When I try to set the resident scan it takes anywhere from 3 to 8 min. to respond to the mouse click!!!

Did you try to repair or reinstal ?
Maybe some DLLs or controls are missing or too old.

my dads win 98se only has 32meg ram and 184mhz. what works on his computer is uninstalling the providers you dont need like he has no P2P programs so no P2P shield is installed

Hey hey, I had exactly the same problem with one particular application. ACDSEE Classic. It keeps a databse of thumbnails and I have several very large picture directories and the thumbnail cache was about 6mb with somewhere in the region of 3000 thumbnail piccies. It slowed the system down for about 2 minutes of being virtually unable to do anything so I exlcluded ACDdb.aid (or whatever the name is) from the scan. ;D

I’m guessing it uses a zip or something and avast is scanning eeverry singgllee littellleee picctttuureee. :slight_smile: It’s ok, I can’t see a virus getting in there, but it would be interesting to know if anyone else has found this.