I have never had any problem with AVAST. But when I restart the computer, and many other times, I get a Microsoft message that anti-virus is OFF, including the AVAST description. I was able to turn off this test, but can you tell me why it did not know it was on? This did not occur until I had to restore Windows from problems unrelated to this. (It may be because I turned off the OUTLOOK portion, because I never use it. All other features are running.)
I use Windows XP. Task Manager always shows AVAST running. I just don’t know why Windows Security Center would not know it is running when it already knows it is there.
Thank you. This allowed me to change Virus Protection to “Unmonitored”, which means it does not give me anymore annoyed messages. I just don’t know how it got started, but if it happens again I will remember how to shut it off.
Changing to unmonitored, isn’t a resolution of the problem but an avoidance of it, this could leave you unaware if something tried to disable your AV and isn’t recommended.
Well, that is the only way I can find that will stop it from telling me AVAST is not running when does. I wasn’t thinking about anything trying to disable AVAST. That would be the worst enemy I ever had!’