Hello, well i have a doubt…
if I open a .exe file in Sandbox my PC won’t get any damage ?
I ask this because I downloaded somenthing and when I open it my Avast gave me that option.
Another question, Does it works with keyloggers ?
Hello, well i have a doubt…
if I open a .exe file in Sandbox my PC won’t get any damage ?
I ask this because I downloaded somenthing and when I open it my Avast gave me that option.
Another question, Does it works with keyloggers ?
Ok, you seem to mean the Auto-sandbox (you might not be aware, but Avast! has other sandbox features on paid versions).
That is purpose of the sandboxing, to isolate what is running in it from critical points of the system.
The most common cause of this prompt is the file not being digitally signed. There are other criteria, but it comes down to whether you trust the file and its source.
The Autosandbox is designed for suspicious files, not something you trust and want to install. Whatever you put in it should vanish after a reboot. So if you do go with that option, don’t be surprised if its gone after next boot.
If you run it in the autosandbox (assuming it gives you the dialog to do so) then yes, the keylogger should be unable to install.