Avast scan stuck on 14% for 25 min

that is just too long seems to be not working at all…when I gave up and closed it avast popup said it was 6% done… it is broken.

what now?

Check the log file to see where the problem started. (file/folder)

Something is very wrong with scanning. Quick Scan takes 20 minutes instead of 5.
Progress also gets stuck.

how do I access the logs please?

I did a successful scan after restarting my computer. I moved on to the performance cleanup cleanup found something in C file and flashed me a hard message too quickly for me to copy. There was a red mark above looked like something I should check… so I clicked it and said remover the problem… this was a mistake as it shut down the cleaner… and now it will not clean says wait a moment but will not restart. So I shut down and tried several more times … same problem and your right about the user being the problem sometimes I think this was my fault… but I did have a couple previous attempts trying to clean that gave the same message we have a glitch… before I got the hard message. Eventually it did work. Then I hit that red mark and it has not worked since tho I have tried over and over.

I had the first scan stuck at 14% a good scan that seemed to work … another scan that stopped again @14% … I am forgetting how many attempts now as I have been doing this most of the night. (Yes I do recall the saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result) I am sure feeling insane but it could be lack of sleep.

How long should a quick scan take? I have limited time to devote to this problem a couple hours tops… right now… but will come back later if I find the courage.

I am scanning again now not cleaning scanning… how do I access the logs?

Try this:
C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log
The normal length depends on the amount of data on your computer and your selection as to what and how to scan.
Note that there is currently a problem with the scan. Avast is already aware of the problem.

it says I have a weak router password … I used a shared internet connection and do not control this… I have my computer set to public to keep these problems at bay…or so I thought.
Lets see what other trouble I can get into.

thanks for the idea to try… I copied and searched your link…
C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log
windows cannot find … make sure you typed the name correctly…repeated tries same result

working on junk files now going to let it run as long as I can lets see what happens. Red mark… messages include Avast harden has stopped a program from starting on your computer when I click for details it takes me to an empty quarantine file.

Contact the person that controls the router and have them fix the problem.
If that can’t be done, use a VPN to help keep you safe.
(Opera Browser offers a VPN for free)


Restart the Opera browser after you’ve selected the VPN and unless you turn it off, VPN will be active every time you open that browser.

I did mention the problem to the person who owns it did not get much response… a free vpn… I almost bought it from avast yesterday and thought of it a couple other times… but since I have been here this round with this paid for system I have not had much success… so was apprehensive about spending even more money on this bleeping computer. People always tell me I don’t do anything with it and don’t need all these services… I never bank online any more as I don’t trust it… I have shopped now regret it just uneasy about it.

Not sure I will think about the opera idea… I have made mistakes before.
Thank you for the suggestion Bob

Your computer, your choice, your security. :slight_smile:

I don’t want to do anything now to disrupt the scanning avast owns my computer now… the last scan said it was done things were fine… the small red mark at the top is not so sure… starts a smart scan that is stuck on 14% again… popup says smart scan is running 6% the glitch is there… a 6 or 14 % depending on which message you would like to pay attention to…

it is groundhog day

End of scan all is fine hit done … ok we found some issues starts to scan again.
I am out of whatever it takes to fix a computer. I am done.

I did some checking on Opera VPN
it seems it is not all that and a bag of chips… for you to look at Bob in case your depending on it to keep your computer safe.

I took a break from repeated scannings of my computer as I was completely fed up… now I am back to try again. Early on in this thread it was stated that Avast had some issues… I hope I was gone long enough for them to fix their issues. I will report back last attempt cleaning files was going in a continuous loop… not cleaning anything just wasting my patients that should be held for small children and dogs.

I sure hope it is fixed…

Seems to scan ok now but if I rerun the scan the same files I am told were dealt with are found again. I have been trying to run a full system scan for the last 10 minutes it is stuck on 0% does not look as if it is doing anything. I don’t feel ok to use my computer now… it has been days since I did anything with it other than scan it with avast. Starting to think this is a fools game and it would make more sense to just go to the library and use the computer there for all the use I am getting from the one I have. It sure would be a lot cheaper.
How long does it usually take for Avast to fix problems? Just curious when I should come back and try again… if that is what is going on and I am not sure what the problem are to tell the truth.

There is a known problem with the scan that should be fixed in a future release.
What “fix” are you talking about or expecting ???

A full system scan takes over an hour on one of my machines. The percentage complete stays at zero for about half that time before it starts to increment upwards. It did the same with previous versions.

ok thanks I will keep that in mind so far I have cancelled before it got off zero

I was not sure I would be able to add that file I tried to put it here before and then could not find it again… so here it is… no idea what it is as I only speak and read English… something I thought was from avast not sure why it came like it did.

Still mucking about trying to sort things yes I know I don’t know how to do this I will wait long for a full scan

What do I want Bob…hm. I want the avast program to run thru all the way… I want to be able to see a file in quarantine when it tells me it put one there… that is for starters. I did a boot scan today and it came up with some goodies to lock up. I have had some odd results and lots of oh ohs something went wrongs… I want one smooth run thru that makes sense even to me.