avast! scanning, eicar and firefox

This is kind of a continuation of knobby’s inquiry. re: firefox.

I have changed my settings to “scan all files” in the standard shield. And I just ran all the below eicar tests, first testing firefox with avast! and then Internet Explorer.


In regards to the first two tests, avast ! picked up both in IE, however avast! did not register the second one (eicar.com.txt) in firefox.

I am now concerned that as much as I am enjoying firefox, it may not work too well with avast! or indeed, any real-time scanners. And I have no intention of giving up avast!

I am about to run a system scan and I shall see if these “infected” files are detected.

Any thoughts?


Remember that the sensitivity level is important.
You must configure avast to work well whit archive files, etc.

i guess mine is well-configured…but it still doesn’t pick up the eicar in txt format when using firefox like what chameleon mentioned :-\

You must set to scan ‘all files’ adding an * into the Stardard Shield settings…
Sorry if I’m talking the obvious… ::slight_smile:

i tried…still cannot ???

can anyone else verify this?..i might be wrong :slight_smile:

I can verify this on XP Home. The last three files aren’t detected by avast! with the latest VPS and version. I choose open with WinRAR and I have to click directly on the .com files within the zip files for avast! to detect it. The .com.txt file is just displayed within the browser. I manually set it to scan .rar, .zip, and .txt files and it still doesn’t detect them. I have to manually scan the .txt file after I save it on my desktop and still have to click the .com files within the archives.

Well,TXT file should not be detected at all. Others are not detected due to new Firefox’s cache file type (extensionless cache files).
It has been discussed not long ago.

“You must set to scan ‘all files’ adding an * into the Stardard Shield settings…
Sorry if I’m talking the obvious… ::)”

Technical: where precisley do I put the * , there are a couple of windows in the advanced section. No, it is not too obvious, I’m still trying to get the hang of computing and avast-ing!! What does the asterisk* enable?


chameleon…go to your resident shield…customize your standard shield…go to scanner(advanced)…in the scan files on open…put the * in the box where you define avast to scan file extensions…

putting a * means avast will scan all file types

you can also configure avast to scan all files when files are created/modified

you can refer to technical’s nice FAQ :wink:

Chamaleon, I have not time to answer your question… Shgoh was faster ;D
Did you succeed? :wink:

Ok, is this what it is suppose to look like?


But in this condition your system will slowdown most.
You are writting a thread about this: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=5709;start=15

So, maybe it’s better a better avast configuration than to add * on open files…
No other change, you’re saying that every single file to be scanned every time it is touched :frowning:

I am not using firefox, I was just trying to help, so I changed the settings on mine for a screenshot that might help out Chameleon. Heres a screenshot of the way mine is set up.


It shouldn’t matter, if Avast uses a filetype recognition system it should pick up Eicar in any file, regardless of extension.

For example, AVK has “All Files” “Program Files” “User Defined Files” and finally “Filetype Recognition” as options… The last option, AVK scans the header of the file to ensure its not a virus hiding in a non-infectable formation - such as a COM virus renamed to a text file.

This is great for ensuring an added level of system security, does Avast have any plans for such an option?

Kobra, can you explain what is the difference from:

a) avast filetype recognition system

b) the AVK header scan that will add a level of system security to avast


Sounds identical, didn’t know Avast actually had this?

got it. thanks all. got the aterisk* in the right section.

My system does not seem any slower for it. :slight_smile:

I asked for plugin for Firefox that would scan only cache files (in case u use only High sensitivity). Maybe they’ll make one.