Avast screen saver problem

Sometime ago I wrote that the screen saver restarted always from the beginning of the disk instead of from where it stopped before. The result is that most of the times Avast scans less than 1/3 of my disk while the last 2/3 are nearly never scanned.

I have not seen any change in the last version
but here is what I found after reading the self defence log.

The reason for the stupid behavior of the screen saver is indeed the self defence.
Consequently it cannot write the last folder that was scanned and it starts over from the fist folder on the disk every time even if the previous scan did not complete.

If the self defence is disabled then everything is fine. But nobody wants to disable the self defence !

So it would be nice that AvastSCR be allowed to write to Avast Keys.
Sounds reasonable ?

All the best

Hmmm… It’s ok that the avast screensaver could do that. But, of course, you can’t give any screensaver the power of doing that.
Anyway, is the last scanned file/folder saved into registry or it was in the .ini files? The self defense module protects both anyway.

The last scanned folder isn’t written into registry.
Anyway, I’ll check that, the problem might be a bit more complex.

Let examplify the point

When the screen saver starts for the first time it begins the scan
from the first folder on the disk say
C:\A_folder. OK
When it stops I assume it has reached folder

The next time the screen saver starts I expect it to
resume from C:\D_Folder

Actually, if the self defence is disabled then the screen saver
does resume from C:\D_folder has expected. This means that the last
scanned folder has been recorded by some means. How could it know
where to resume otherwise ?

On the contrary, if the self defence is enabled the screen saver
starts from the first folder again C:\A_Folder.
By that time a self defence log has been recorded, which says that the
AvastSS.scr has attempted to write to the Avast registry key but
the access has been forbiden. This tells that AvastSS could not record

Comparing the two facts I suggest that AvastSS.scr is not allowed
to record the last place that was scanned.

So I hope that the self defence mechanism will allow AwastSS.scr,
not any scr, but only AvastSS to access the registry otherwise
it is less useful than a scheduled scan. Moreover it ages over
and over the same part of the disk.

All the best

Thanks, PoP.
This bug was fixed - please wait for the official release.

Thanks for acknowledging and solving it pk :slight_smile:

You are welcome gui’s.

You deserve the thanks for you good job.