Im tried to use the Avast screensaver utylity to perform virusscan when in screensaver mode. But when i “wake up” the comp. from screensaver mode i have this square moving around my screen saying “intializing engine” or something like that and it never goes away What is wrong or what im a missing here ?
I don’t really know, I was just trying to find something nonstandard/suspicious. Can you please try it with some built-in simple screensaver, such as the ‘Starfield’? Thanks
By the way , Avast4 is a great program
Oh, thanks much… Let’s hope version 4.1 (due in May) will be even better - we still have much to do to make avast real #1…
Jepp , that did the trick Ive changed the screensaver to XPscr. and it works just fine.
A thought came by , wouldnt it be better if the virusscan coutinued where it stopped last scan ? As it is now it seems to restart from the beginning every time the screensaver starts. For us who have large harddisks it might be good to have that option :
I had the same problem, so I don’t use avast!4 screensaver option…I prefer to scan my system manually (however, I think it’s not necessary if the Avast! On access scanner is always turned on…)