Avast Scurity for Mac won't update

I’m getting no definition updates since updating to the latest version of Avast. I’m running 13.1, virus definitions 17111704, with Firefox Quantum (57) and macOS Sierra 10.12.5. All I get when clicking on “Update” is “An error occurred during updating”, and it means it! Of course I’m used to getting a variety of such erroneous messages such as this but in the past it has successfully updated and given me a confirmatory dialog box to that effect, but now it’s not erroneous! Am I alone? I’ve tried switching off any potential interferences that I can identify (inc Hands Off! or Malwarebytes) which might be over-enthusiastic in protecting me, but no change. Is anyone else having this updating problem? I’d be grateful. Thankyou.


I also experienced this issue Saturday. My way around it was to uninstall and reinstall the program.

I did notice that there was an update 13.2 this morning, so perhaps you could try to update your program and see if the issue persists before attempting a reinstall.

Thanks drake145. Yes, I’ve uninstalled and rteinstalled 3 or 4 times (determined aren’t I?!), to no avail. And I’ve also had a tough job persuading it to uninstall before the reinstallation. Never mind, I think it worked alright. But, great news, perhaps the new 13.2 program update will do the trick. Hope is springing eternal! Steve

Nope. I still can’t download definitions, and subject to the same fault, I can’t download program updates. Still in the mire. I can uninstall again, and reinstall the new version, but that’s not practical as a solution. Any further thoughts anyone?

PS Apologies that I evidently can’t spell “Security” :-\

@steve421 - it’s weird. Could you send us more details(logs)? The easiest way is to open “Avast → Help → Avast Technical support”

Hi Lukas,

I have a similar problem here (macOS 10.13.1).
When I try to install a new program version using the built-in updater, I see the following message:

Connecting to repository http://mac-av.u.avcdn.net/mac-av/10_9/beta/AAFM Downloading AAFM.lat... curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found Downloading AAFM.lat... (retry 1) curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found Downloading AAFM.lat... (retry 2) curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found Warning: Download failed [exit code 22] Cannot download. Perhaps we are offline? Failed.

I’m using the beta channel, so maybe that’s the reason why the update to Avast for Mac 13.2 cannot be found?

Update: In my case I can download VPS updates though, thus my problem is different than the one originally posted. I will start a new forum thread.