Avast Secure Browser Extensions ?


How does one add extensions for the Avast Browser ? There doesn’t seem to be an option for that.

Thanks !

There are only a limited number that have been added to the Avast Secure Browser, its a security thing. If you were allowed to install add-ons then you could introduce insecurity.

You can add extensions in Settings>Advanced>Accessibility>Add Accessibility Features>Open Chrome Web Store. You will be warned of the dangers if you try to add one that could compromise the security features of the browser.

Yes, generally adding addons or extensions into Avast Secure Browser would lessen/weaken browser hardening avast has designed into it, imo.

Which is why I think no easy and obvious way to add extensions is readily apparent.

Since I want this browser to safely use Bank Mode, everything is default and as is. If anything is added it is only with security in mind.

Thanks, Guys ! I was able to add my Google extensions to the Avast browser, so all is now well.

Well I’d like to install new tab redirect extension. I use it to get rid of all those stupid links under the search field that show the last 10 sites you have visited. To me that is not secure at all.
You guys should remove those from your “Secure Browser”. If someone comes along just after you use your computer and clicks on those they can get access to the last 10 sites you have visited since your browser saves passwords just like chrome does. Think about that. Besides, I don’t want everyone seeing my history like that, do you?

@mchain How safe do you feel banking with the link and password right there on your Avast Secure Browser now? Anyone can access your bank account with 1 click.

Really there should be a password to open up browser history and favorite links.


Isn’t Bank Mode completely isolated anyway? That’s the point of the Bank Mode… so it shouldn’t matter what extensions you have.