Avast SecureLine VPN discontinuation in Russia

Hi everyone,

I’ve been notified today that Avast stops providing VPN service in Russia
by the request from Russian authorities (“Roskomnadzor”).
The ongoing licenses will be supported, but no longer could be renewed.
Curiously, in the e-mail from Avast team it is stated that
“in Avast, we believe that every man have the right for the freedom in the Internet,
and should be free to use Internet on his own” (hereby quoted in rough translation from Russian).
However, the discontinuation of the VPN service is a de facto collaboration with Roskomnadzor.
Without the reliable VPN service too many sites will be unavailable for Russian users.

How come, dear Avast team?
Why are you so eager to collaborate with Roskomnadzor?

Hi, not only Avast, read here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=66267.msg1508467#msg1508467

Point of a VPN is to give privacy to the user; blocking a site per Roskomnadzor would mean Avast would have to break your vpn, which it won’t do. Otherwise, a vpn is pointless.

I tried to contact the support team but didn’t receive any reply from them. The news itself is not very transparent for me. My current is still active, but when do you plan to stop Russian VPN servers? Because I bought Avast SecureLine mostly to connect through Russian servers and without them my license is almost useless for me.

Could someone please clarify the future of the servers? When do you plan to shut them down?

If they don’t want to obey to Roskomnadzor,
what is the point in the discontinuation of licenses?
Why don’t just to go on?