Can someone please tell me what the diffrence between Avast! Server Edition and Avast! Professional Edition is.
btw Thanks for Avast! Pro its brilliant! Removed many viruses I never knew I had when I installed it.
Can someone please tell me what the diffrence between Avast! Server Edition and Avast! Professional Edition is.
btw Thanks for Avast! Pro its brilliant! Removed many viruses I never knew I had when I installed it.
Basically, the platforms.
avast! Professional version does not run on Servers.
avast! 4 Professional Edition:
avast! 4 Server Edition:
So, servers function are not present on the Professional version.
ok So that is the only diffrence? Because I heard you can get plugins for the server version Is that possible with Pro?
Thanks for the quick reply
In Pro version (as the free Home too) there is The Bat! and MS Outlook (full) pluggins, no more. I’m not an expert in the server version…
Be used to… this is avast! forum 8)