Moin, moin,
meine Firewall meldet, dass “Avast settings backup” eine ausgehende Verbindung aufbauen möchte.
Was ist den das? >:(
Mc User
Moin, moin,
meine Firewall meldet, dass “Avast settings backup” eine ausgehende Verbindung aufbauen möchte.
Was ist den das? >:(
Mc User
Info von den Devs: [i]Hi guys, this file (with upgrade.exe in the same directory) is the recommended way by Microsoft how to get better user experience during upgrade to windows 10.
It does two things:
This is statistics sending code cut&paste from backup.exe sources with added explaining comments:[/i]
map_vals["guid"] = g_globals->guid(); // installation guid (old way to compute users)
map_vals["midex"] = g_globals->midex(); // new installation guid (new way how to distinguish that statistics are from different user)
map_vals["edition"] = edition; // edition of avast
map_vals["build"] = GetAvastBuildNo(); // version of avast
map_vals["os"] = GetOsBuildNo(); // version of windows
map_vals["statsSendTime"] = std::to_string(_time32(nullptr)); // time when statistic was generated
map_vals["statver"] = "2.30"; // version of statistics
map_vals["backupver"] = GetBackupBuildNo(); // version of this backup.exe file
map_vals["event"] = "upgradeW10"; // type of statistic
AddWscReport(map_vals); // adds other antiviruses registered in windows security center
You can verify this by capturing http comunication from backup.exe.
… dachte ich es mir doch!!! Es ist langsam frech, wie dreist hier Daten abgesaugt werden sollen. >:(
Schön, wenn man eine Firewall hat, mit der man es unterbinden kann.
Von Microsoft habe ich nichts anderes erwartet - aber das AVAST hier noch mitmacht, finde ich nicht gut >:( >:(
Asyn, Dir vielen Dank für die rasche Info
Mc User
Rückmeldung von den Devs: [i]Guys, there isn’t anything private and it doesn’t send files to our servers. We just need to compute our losses of users during upgrade to windows 10. How would you do it? I am developer and I disagree with many things in avast but not with this one.
If Microsoft detects AV during upgrade to win10 it does one of the following:
Schönen Abend,
Ich möchte den Devs direkt antworten; ich mache es mal in englisch, weil auch die DEVs in englisch schrieben. Vielleicht führt das zu einem besseren, gegenseitigem Verständnis
Guys, there isn't anything private and it doesn't send files to our servers.
Sounds for me like the janitor who enters your flat - without your knowledge - and tells you, that he doesn´t look for jewellery. Instead of that he liked to check your security equipment. Even if you would believe him: what would your feeling be in such a case?
We just need to compute our losses of users during upgrade to windows 10. How would you do it?
I wouldn´t force my customers to take part in testing scenarios. If you go on like this your are in danger to loose them - not because of fail function due to mistakes by win 10 installations but due to the loss of your reputation.
I am developer and I disagree with many things in avast but not with this one.
I am a customer and I do not expect to be involved in AVAST Marketing Operation or testing procedures without being
asked before.
Asyn, besten Dank für die Vermittlung zu den DEVs
Mc User
Schönen Sonntag,
Direkter Kontakt (Englisch):;sa=send;u=343944
Danke für die Info, aber ich denke, es ist nicht notwendig, es zusätzlich dorthin zu senden?
Ich gehen davon aus, dass die Devs die Botschaft erhalten.
Dir auch einen schönen Sonntag
Mc User