avast Shutdown Problems WinXP SP2..

Hi to everyone…

Just a simple question … i’ve recently installed avast “home” , it runs great, (i always used norton before…) But after i installed it i’ve had problems regarding system shut down … i explain better :

when i use programs like winmx or other p2p software… when i shut down the pc it freezes telling me about taskmngr , and connection tray closing problem… instead if i don’t use p2p programs the pc shut down normally. :frowning:

PS: there is a way to disable avast during normal operations (like when i works with graphics programs, because it slow the machine a lot!!) ?? i have not found any options regarding this…!!)

Thanks in advance.!!

  1. Using p2p software is a severe security risk. I advise to buy the things you want legally.
    WinMX and another are down and will likey never be up again. (Thanks RIAA, that is the way to go!)
  2. How to completely remove Norton (Symantec): http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2001092114452606
  3. You can add things to the exclusion list.

I suggest you read the help/manual and use the search option on this board, cause your questions have been asked and answered before.

I won’t do that but if you want, you can right click the ‘a’ blue icon on system tray and choose ‘Stop on-access protection’.
You’ll be unprotected :o